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The King in The Field

Psalm 27


 The King in The Field Essays

Psalm 27

By David. The L-rd is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The L-rd is the strength of my life - whom shall I dread? When evildoers approached me to devour my flesh, my oppressors and my foes, they stumbled and fell.

If an army were to beleaguer me, my heart would not fear; if war were to arise against me, in this I trust. One thing I have asked of the L-rd, this I seek, that I may dwell in the House of the L-rd all the days of my life, to behold the pleasantness of the L-rd, and to visit in His Sanctuary.

For He will hide me in His tabernacle on a day of adversity; He will conceal me in the hidden places of His tent; He will lift me upon a rock. And then my head will be raised above my enemies around me, and I will offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of jubilation; I will sing and chant to the L-rd.

L-rd, hear my voice as I call; be gracious to me and answer me. In Your behalf my heart says, "Seek My countenance;" Your countenance, L-rd, I seek. Do not conceal Your countenance from me; do not cast aside Your servant in wrath; You have been my help; do not abandon me nor forsake me, G-d of my deliverance. Though my father and mother have forsaken me, the L-rd has taken me in.

L-rd, teach me Your way and lead me in the path of righteousness because of my watchful enemies. Do not give me over to the will of my oppressors, for there have risen against me false witnesses and they speak evil. [They would have crushed me] had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the L-rd in the land of the living.

Hope in the L-rd, be strong and let your heart be valiant, and hope in the L-rd.

 The King in The Field Essays

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