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Purim 5785

Thursday - Sunday
13-16 Adar, 5785
March 13-16, 2025

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The Holiday of Purim includes the fast day called Taanis Esther, the day of Purim and the day of Shushan Purim. (Definition of terms will be found in the text.)

This year, (5785 - 2025) the dates and times are:
Shabbos Zachor
March 8
8 Adar
Special Torah Reading - Parshas Zachor - to be heard by all members of the family - men, women and children.
Taanis Esther
March 13
13 Adar
Purim Eve
Thursday Night
March 13
14 Adar
  • After nightfall, during the Maariv/Arvit services, the Megilla is read from a parchment scroll for all those who are present in the Synagogue. If one is unable to attend, a private reading should be arranged. Contact your local Chabad-Lubavitch center.
  • The Al Hanisim prayer is added in the evening Amida.
Purim Day
March 14
14 Adar
If one is unable to attend the synagogue, a special Megilla reading should be made at their location. Contact your local Chabad-Lubavitch center.
Shushan Purim
March 16
16 Adar
  • This day is celebrated as Purim Day in Jerusalem.
  • No Tachnun said.
  •   How To Celebrate

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