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The Significance of Chanukah

  The History of Chanukah

Your Chanukah Guide

Kislev 25 - Tevet 3, 5784
December 7 - December 15, 2023

Chanukah, the Festival of Light, is among the most widely celebrated of Jewish holidays. It is a time for happy family gatherings around the menorah, for children's songs and sizzling potato latkes and games of "dreidel." For many of us, it brings back fond memories of childhood, or serves to renew our sense of Jewish identity.

Yet Chanukah is rarely appreciated for its full significance.

What are its deeper teachings, its historical origins, its relevance for today? Surely Chanukah means more than just kids' parties or nostalgia for times gone by.

This Chanukah Guide is designed to provide the practical details as well as some insights into the "inner dimension" of Chanukah observance. We hope it serves you well.

  The History of Chanukah

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