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Elul - Observances

The King in The Field

Psalm 27


 Elul - Observances Psalm 27

The King in The Field

When the king is enthroned in his palace, he is not easily accessible; audience is granted only to those who have merited his attention. But when the king is in public, anyone may approach him.

The Chassidic masters compare the month of Elul to a time when a king, returning to his palace, passes through the surrounding fields and greets his subjects with a shining countenance.

During Elul, G-d -- the `King of the Universe' -- is available to anyone who turns to Him...and He graciously accepts our petitions and grants our requests.

Please see the Essays for furthur elucidation and insights on this subject.
(Click on the word Essays on your left).

 Elul - Observances Psalm 27

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