In the fifth aliyah, Yakov and his family are camped in front of the city of Shechem when Leah's daughter Dina ventures out by herself to look around. She is abducted by Shechem, the prince of the city, and raped. He subsequently wants to marry her, so he and his father approach Yakov to ask that Yakov's family and the people of Shechem become one people. Yakov's sons answer that it will be possible only if all the men of Shechem circumcise themselves. The people of Shechem agree and circumcise themselves.
On the third day following, when the pain of the circumcism is at its worst, Yakov's sons, Shimon and Levi, go into town and kill all the men, and retrieve Dina. The Torah says that despite this provocative act, Yakov's family moved on in peace because CHITAS [dread] of G-d was on the nations. "CHITAS" is an acronym for Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya, three things that we study on a daily basis that bring us blessing.