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Purim   |   Other Dates in Adar   |   The 4 Parshos   |   Purim-Guide Map

Purim Schedule

How To Celebrate

   The Mitzvot Of Purim

Other Observances Of Purim

Drinking On Purim

Mishloach Monos

The Mishloach Monos Dilemma

Hamentaschen Recipe


A Sefer for Mishlo'ach Manot?

Ta'anit Esther - Fast of Esther

Megillah Reading

Mishlo'ach Manot - Sending of Edibles

Matanot Le'evyonim - Gifts to the Poor

Purim Seudah - Festive Meal

The History of Purim

Thoughts & Essays

Letters From The Rebbe

Purim Stories

Stories of "Other Purims"

Children's Corner

Q & A

The Megillah


 Purim Schedule The Mitzvot Of Purim

How To Celebrate

Purim is the festival that commemorates the breathtaking victory over the murderous designs of Haman. It is observed on the fourteenth day of the Hebrew month of Adar. In the event that there are 2 months of Adar (as this year 5763 - 2003) - due to the reconciliation of the Jewish Calendar which is Lunar and the secular/world calendar which is Solar, - Purim is celebrated in the second Adar. This joyous festival reveals the hidden Hand of G-d in the events of man. It is a day to be celebrated by the entire family -- not only adults and boys and girls past Bar/Bas Mitzvah, but youngsters too should be encouraged to fulfill the mitzvot of Purim.
 Purim Schedule The Mitzvot Of Purim

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