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Purim Schedule

How To Celebrate

   The Mitzvot Of Purim

Other Observances Of Purim

Drinking On Purim

Mishloach Monos

The Mishloach Monos Dilemma

Hamentaschen Recipe


A Sefer for Mishlo'ach Manot?

Ta'anit Esther - Fast of Esther

Megillah Reading

Mishlo'ach Manot - Sending of Edibles

Matanot Le'evyonim - Gifts to the Poor

Purim Seudah - Festive Meal

The History of Purim

Thoughts & Essays

Letters From The Rebbe

Purim Stories

Stories of "Other Purims"

Children's Corner

Q & A

The Megillah


 The Mitzvot Of Purim Drinking On Purim

Other Observances Of Purim

The Fast of Esther

To commemorate the day of prayer and fasting that the Jews held before their victory, we fast on the day before Purim, from approximately three hours before sunrise until 40 minutes after sunset. (In the event that the day before Purim is on Shabbos (Saturday), we move the fast day up to the previous Thursday.)

Machatzit Hashekel

It is a tradition to give 3 half-dollar coins to charity to commemorate the half-shekel given by each Jew in the time of the Holy Temple. This mitzvah, usually performed in the synagogue, should be done on the fast-day prior to Purim, or according to your custom.

Special Prayers

On Purim we recite the Al HaNissim liturgy in the Amidah (Silent Prayer) for evening, morning and afternoon, as well as in the Grace After Meals. In the morning service there is a special reading from the Torah Scroll in the synagogue.

 The Mitzvot Of Purim Drinking On Purim

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