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Counting of the Omer

   Counting the Omer

Each Day

Seven Perfect Weeks

Counting More Than Time

A Unique Relationship

Ignorance is Not Bliss

Retaining The Days

Counting Then and Now

Learning During the Omer

Pesach Sheni

 Birthday Presents Each Day

Counting the Omer

Leviticus 23:15 "And you shall count for weeks"

Shani's cousin, Nava, was coming to visit from Eretz Yisrael.

Shani was so excited, she could hardly wait for the day of her arrival. She had never met Nava, but her parents had told her all about her. They had written to each other during the past year and got to know each other through their letters.

Shani prepared a place for her cousin in her room. She planned the activities they'd do together. Every day, she'd cross off the date on the calendar, waiting excitedly for Nava to come.

When the Jewish people came out of Egypt, they counted the days, impatient for that special upcoming event - Matan Torah - the giving of the Torah. They were so anxious to receive that great gift from HaShem, that they counted the days from Pesach until Shavuot.

Receiving the Torah was not just a one-time affair.

Every year, a Jew must feel as if he is receiving the Torah.

We anxiously await this precious gift and count the days awaiting the special occasion of Matan Torah.

 Birthday Presents Each Day

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