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Rambam for Shabbos, 16 Sivan, 5784 - June 22, 2024

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Negative Mitzvot 336, 335, 337, 338, 339

15 Sivan, 5784 - June 21, 202417 Sivan, 5784 - June 23, 2024

Negative Mitzvah 336: Prohibition against marriage with one's daughter

It is forbidden to take your daughter as a wife.

(This Negative Mitzvah is not explicitly mentioned in the Torah because it is considered to be self-understood.

If you are not allowed to marry your granddaughter, then, of course, you will not be allowed to marry your daughter.)

Negative Mitzvah 335: Prohibition against marriage with one's daughter's daughter
Leviticus 18:10 "Do not act immodestly with your granddaughter"

It is forbidden to take your daughter's daughter as a wife (Your granddaughter born to your daughter and her husband).

Negative Mitzvah 337: Prohibition against marriage with a woman and her daughter
Leviticus 18:17 "Do not act immodestly with a woman and her daughter"

It is forbidden to take both a woman and her daughter as wives.

Negative Mitzvah 338: Prohibition against marriage with a woman and her son's daughter
Leviticus 18:17 "You may not take her son's daughter"

It is forbidden to take a woman as a wife when you are already married to her father's mother (her paternal grandmother).

The opposite is also true.

It is forbidden to take your wife's father's mother as a wife.

Negative Mitzvah 339: Prohibition against marriage with a woman and her daughter's daughter
Leviticus 18:17 "You may not take her daughter's daughter"

It is forbidden to take a woman as a wife when you are already married to her mother's mother (her maternal grandmother).

The opposite is also true. It is forbidden to take your wife's mother's mother as a wife.

It's a paradox: The greatest revelations are to be found not in meditation, study and prayer, but in the mundane world -- but only if you would rather be meditating, studying and praying.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -

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